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They have been declared by as one of the seven World Heritage Sites in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is the home to two main traditional cultures: the Sinhalese centred in the ancient cities of Kandy and Anuradhapura and the Tamil centred in the city of Jaffna.

The remained stationed at until 1956. Archived from on 17 April 2009. They have been declared by as one of the seven World Heritage Sites in Sri Lanka.

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Over 90% of the households in Sri Lanka are electrified. Natur-Sprung Reisen Partnersuche und Reisen 50plus Die spezielle Partnerbörse im Internet für die Generation 50plus Lebensfreude50. In spite of on-going intermittent warfare with Europeans, the kingdom survived. Among the trees of the dry-land forests are valuable species such as , , , and. Archived from on 18 December 2013. Mean temperatures range from 17 °C 62. Sowohl Erholungssuchende als auch Sportler kommen hier voll auf ihre Kosten.

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